Exit Stage II

Stage IIc to be exact. That is the stage of my cancer. Understand there are several stages and sub-stages. Stage I (A, B, and S) which is the least severe cancer stage, Stage II (A, B, and C), and the more severe, Stage III (A, B, and C). Stage IIC is defined as a lymph node mass in abdomen or pelvis more than 5 cm (2 inches) in size; tumor markers are normal or mildly increased. Because I am a little more on the advanced stage side with a StageIIC, not doing chemo really isn't an option.

Now the good news, Testicular Cancer is very aggressive and quickly attacks the lungs and brain but I fortunately avoided that. My chest x-rays came back clean and since there is nothing there, there is no reason to suspect I have any tumors on my brain. This is great news and means that I am done with surgery.

So I start my chemo treatment called BEP next Monday. Thanks to several advancements in the various medications the procedure should be an outpatient process. Unless my body has a severe adverse reaction to the treatment, I should be able to come home everyday after my treatments, which will be nice.

As always thanks for the emails, postings, and to the several people helping out my family. I will continue to keep updates coming when I can.